Fat Loss Programs - What To Look For Before Deciding On A Fat Loss Program

By Anita Anderson

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There are so many fat loss programs to choose from and it's understandable that before you go ahead and join one, you should at least know what to look for.

In this article you'll find six tips that can help you to find the fat loss program that is right for you.

Tip #1 Bogus and outlandish claims

The old axiom " if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is" bears a little bit of consideration here.

Some advertisers are more concerned with making money than they are about your health, so it's important to be careful when you see ads that claim you can drop 2 sizes in 24 hours or other ridiculous claims of that nature.

This is just a ploy to get you emotionally involved enough to make a purchase, so watch out.

Tip #2 You Can Eat Whatever You Want

Well to be brutally honest with you if you could eat whatever you wanted, you probably wouldn't be looking for a fat loss program to begin with. True?

The fact is that everyone is different and bearing that in mind it's safe to say that not everyone has the same metabolism. While one person may be able to burn off just about anything that goes in because of a lightning fast metabolism, that may not be the case with you.

Tip #3 Watch out for so-called "Miracle Pills"

Due to the emotional nature of the consumer in the weight loss market, many companies produce pharmaceutical solutions that are supposed to make you lose weight while you sleep.

I'll tell you right now if you could lose weight while you sleep, there would be a lot more skinny people walking around, that would go perfectly with "eating whatever you want".

To be fair concerning weight loss pills, there are supplements on the market that can help you to shed pounds off your frame but they are not effective when taken independent of a proper diet and exercise.

Tip #4 If you can't understand the lingo find someone who does

It's advisable that since any changes to your diet will have an effect on your health, to consult with your doctor prior to starting any kind of medication or diet regimen.

Much of the language that you'll find in the marketing of many weight loss products and systems can be quite confusing. Before you buy into anything make sure to consult with your doctor to clarify what you don't understand so that you make the right decision.

Tip #5 Are you losing weight or fat?

One of the biggest misconceptions about losing weight is the confusion that exists between losing water weight and actual fat. It is typical with the majority of fat loss programs on the market, that you will lose anywhere between 8 - 10 pounds of water weight within your first two weeks to a month.

While I know you are interested in seeing the numbers on the scale go down, you will see your most notable gains when you're able to fit in those size 9/10 jeans you used to wear in college.

Tip #6 Stick to a regular routine of Diet and Exercise

While this is not entirely incorrect the problem that presents itself here is that the prescribed diet plan that you may be considering may be totally wrong for your body type and metabolism.

As far as exercise goes, one of the biggest misguided beliefs about exercise is that if you do a lot of cardio you'll lose weight fast. While that may help initially it's not the whole truth.

Weight training is also necessary to burn the fat contained in the various cells around the muscles, so merely running 200 miles a day on the treadmill isn't going to cut it.

I hope these tips were helpful for you and if you would like to get more details concerning what you need to lose weight safely and effectively this is one of the best fat loss programs that actually provide you with more information to help you make the right choice.